Friday, March 16, 2007

Questions About Property Damage

We've had some questions from an old thread about a new topic ... property damage, so I'm starting this new thread for that purpose. (If you'd like to start a new topic thread, please just send me a quick email with the topic and I'll get that started).

With regard to property damage, tenants are responsible for property damage that is beyond normal wear and tear. Certainly with some of the descriptions we've seen here (infestations and "trashing" the house) there would seem to be cause for deducting repair costs from the security deposit and even recovering dollars beyond that deposit. I'm sure DHA would provide documentation that might be helpful to owner

As to whether or not an individual would be penalized or lose his/her voucher, DHA would handle such complaints on a case-by-case basis. By all means, please report such conditions to Section 8 staff for referral to our investigations unit.


Anonymous said...

I signed up for Section 8 during the open application around this time last year. To my understanding those who applied were supposed to recieve a reciept in the mail acknowledging that the application was in fact received; after that applicants are supposed to get a notice stating that they were in fact placed on a waiting list and that they qualified for services based on the preliminary application. I received the reciept in August 2006 and have not heared from DHA since. I don't know if I am on the waiting list or not. I am reluctant to call because whoever the guy is that is supposed to be the receptionist is very rude and extremely unprofessional in fact I don't understand why he still has a job. Nevertheless, please correct me if I am mistaken on the procedures that are followed for new applicants. Also by any chance do you know what the timeline is for actually receiveing a voucher?

DHA Communications said...

Thank you for your question.

First, the Section 8 program is currently over-utilized, so we will not be issuing more vouchers for quite some time.

What you have described is what should happen. When you applied, we told you that you would receive a confirmation card when you were added to the waiting list. If you got that card, you're on the list.

We'll be in touch by mail annually to confirm your address, so make sure you let us know (only in writing) if you move.

Thanks again for your question.

Jean Bolduc

Anonymous said...

The Herald Sun stated that once again DHA has found themselves in the hole; 1.5 million dollars in the hole to be exact. Out of approximately 3,000 new applicants from last year 2,973 have been issued vouchers. With the new section 8 recipients, the debt from past due accounts with landlords and God only knows what else, DHA has once again managed to find themselves in a rut. Now the funny thing is that there should be some new funding coming this summer from the feds. It would only seem right that this money would take care of the remainder of the new applicants who have been patiently waiting for a year, but of course not for this is DHA. To wait on them you will surely become lost in society among the other homeless individuals in America. Now I am one of these people patiently waiting; a divorced mother with 5 children who just happens to have family to count on right now. Everyone is not that lucky. Im blessed to have employment to where I can actually pay rent on my own despite the extreme struggle it will be. So I have to tell my sons that they will not be able to play sports because mommy will not be able to afford it. The extra money must go towards the rent. Those extracurricular activities is what might keep them off the streets. I don't wana hear " oh you should've thought of that before u had so many children". Like many other single moms, I had the American dream but sometimes things are no meant to last. Sometimes we make bad decisions, and sometimes bad things happen in our lives. Either way there are children involved and they deserve all the good things that life has to offer; one being a place called home. These parents that signed up for this assistance just need an extra boost to make sure that they can supply their childrens overall needs. Its sad that because of the incompetence of a group of people that families of durham must suffer. I know every county has its problems but I don't hear about this nonsense in neighboring PHA's such as Orange and Wake Counties. Like an idiot I didn't apply in Wake county, had I,by now I would be rid of Durham altogether. Despite Raleigh's 2 year waiting list, I have two friends who have now recieved their vouchers and have found residence. Im pretty sure that unlike Durham when Raleigh receives their share of the money in July they will probably begin to serve even more section 8 applicants. They set the hose on DHA before and cleaned out the Rif Raf only to turn around and have the same problem. I only hope this time that after everything is said and done and the audits take place that it does not become apparent that funding was used to pay for someones vacation, or to buy a designer suit because not for nothing until these 3,000 people get either a voucher or atleast an explanation or maybe even some assistance or until you can pay the remaining landlords what they are owed since they are trying to make a living too, no one in that office deserves a single day of relaxation or vacation.Enough is Enough! Now thats real!

Anonymous said...

To the mother of 5 kids who is blasting DHA out of the water for not getting her Section 8 housing. I would like to take this opportunity to remind her of how blessed she is even without Section 8 housing. These things are all assumptions and I apologize upfront if I am wrong on anything.

1. The EIC $1500 per child tax refund so unless she owes the gov't I know she got at least 4500 FREE money that most people did not and will never get.

2. Health Care: When she takes her 5 kids to the Dr. does she have to pay or do the tax payers pick up the tab? If one of her children needed dental care, who pays? Many people have to save and save just to keep their kids half way healthy. Forget dental
care, because they can't afford it if it is not thru their job.

3. Food: Who pays her or taxpayers. She can afford to purchase the choice cuts of meat,taxpayers have to settle for less. She can afford to purchase name brand grocery, when many people must buy store brands. The things that Food Stamps recipients buy on a regular basis are things that most people once agian have to budget for.

4. After School/Before School/Daycare: If she has to use any of these services: Howmuch does she pay of her own money. VERY LITTLE! Other taxpayers are once again picking up the tab.

5. What about Child Support from the fathers of your 5 children? Simple way around that, just tell DHS you don't know where they are and you qualify for AFDC.

6. School Supplies: No doubt you are among the people who get these free at the beginning of the shcool year and all year long.


I applaud you for working to pay your rent,as well you should, but look at all the other things you do not have to pay, or pay full price.

I guess I just need to say "walk a mile in the shoes" of a single mother/father who take FULL responisbility for the children they bring into this world and refuse to accept ANY form of government assistance.

Jean Bolduc said...

Let's clear up some of this ...

Last summer, we opened the Section 8 waiting list and accepted 4,000 applications (although the Herald-Sun reported it to be 3,000 ... it was actually 4,000).

The vast majority of the 2,900+ vouchers currently in force are NOT taken from those applications. Most of those were already in place. Only a few hundred have been added.

The fact that people stay on the waiting list longer or shorter times in other communities has little to do with the efficiency of the staffs in each housing authority. It relates directly to how many people move off the program, move away or vacate a voucher for other reasons (death, disqualification, etc) and is also driven by the amount of funding the program has.

All that said, the DHA has plenty of room for improvement in this program and we have no interest in being less than forthcoming about our need to improve our customer service.

We thank all who offer constructive criticism, including this writer.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Jean Bolduc said...

Please be aware that attacks on individual DHA staff members will not be tolerated.

Anonymous said...

Hello again...

I am the mother of 5 children with one father not father(s) and as I said before I am divorced. I am trying to recall when I mentioned anything about receiving public assistance. Maybe you are comfortable with sitting in on around waiting for handouts but thats not me. The only thing I wanted out of the government is rental assistance so that I may provide adequate space for my large family without spending a fortune. For your information I am obtaining my degree therefore I can't work a second job right now. My goal is to buy a home as soon as i graduate. However because I am newly divorced, I can barely afford a 3 or 4 bedroom at a going rate of $1000.00 per month. In paying that, I will have to pull my lil athletes from their afterschool sports to save extra money. Now maybe you are not familiar with the Child Support game and all the hoops you must jump through to get the funds your children are due. Or maybe you are stereotyping all the single parent families of Durham and assuming that we all have multiple "baby-daddies" and sitting around collecting foodstamps and checks. Well thats not me; I work for everything I have. As far as medical care; I am like millions of other single parents who pay out of pocket. The EIC, you know if i did get all this money you are speaking of, I probably would not be waiting for section 8; I would've used the money to buy a home. So unfortunately you got me twisted with someone else. Its not cool to judge or stereotype.If you don't know ask someone who does. Now walk a mile in my shoes.

Anonymous said...

can't we all just get along??
our reaction tells so much about ourselves. we have to respond with consideration, respect, and love toward others.
according to my computer, we are supposed to be posting "Questions About Property Damage" yall just got off the topic all together. i just wanna thank Durham County for all the help my family has received while my husband was in the hospital having heart surgery. i appreciate and thank God for all the workers, and i DO believe that tenants should pay for any major damages incurred while staying at any DHA property.
yall be blessed and uhhh...let's love a little more.
-love yall,

Anonymous said...

What about property damage - that you landlord is not fixing properly--its keep passing inspection?

Jean Bolduc said...

Please report (in writing, with pictures, if possible) uncorrected property damage (that should prevent the property from passing inspection) to C.H. Earley, our Chief Inspector.

Anonymous said...

I have a question about a family that is a problem in the neighborhood as well as the property is an eye sore and bringing down the value in the rest of the neighborhood. The kids are out of control, spraying gang signs in the street, shooting neighboring houses with bb guns, putting holes in the siding, etc. WHY do we have to accept this from the housing department and PAY for it as tax payers?

DHA Communications said...

Responding to:
"The kids are out of control, spraying gang signs in the street, shooting neighboring houses with bb guns, putting holes in the siding, etc. WHY do we have to accept this from the housing department and PAY for it as tax payers?"

You shouldn't accept this at all. You should report it (repeatedly if necessary) to the Durham Police. The Housing Authority does not administer the City code ... that's the City's Housing Department ... and we agree with your concerns. Contact the landlord, also. He or she is responsible for enforcing the lease.

Jean Bolduc
DHA Communications