Monday, August 03, 2009

Resident Services Program Recognized at National Conference

The Durham Housing Authority accepted four merit awards from the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO) in recognition of Program Excellence at the NAHRO Summer Conference in Portland, Oregon. The Homeownership Institute was recognized for excellence in providing innovative and comprehensive training to help residents fulfill their goal of becoming "buyer ready." The LIVEWELL program was recognized for excellence in providing Elderly/Special Needs services and access to quality resources that are necessary for physical, social, and emotional enrichment. The ROSS Steps Plus is designed to help Public Housing residents attain economic self-sufficiency through job training and education development. The programs are administered through the ROSS Homeownership Program.

Community Learning Center programs offer academy enrichment to youth in four public housing communities. The Centers' success is due in part to collaborations with community partners and in-kind resources. All four programs received merit awards. LIVEWELL and the ROSS Homeownership programs were both nominated to receive an award of excellence.

Durham Housing Authority received two Glass Vase Excellence Awards from the Southeastern Regional Council National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (SERC NAHRO) in recognition of Program Innovation. The Homeownership Institute was recognized for excellence in providing innovative and comprehensive training to help residents fulfill their goal of becoming "buyer ready." The LIVEWELL program was recognized for excellence in providing Elderly/Special Needs services and access to quality resources that are necessary for physical, social, and emotional enrichment.

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